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COVID 19 Is Putting An Emphasis On Efficiency – Review Your Setup And Optimize Your Mobile Monetization Strategy

Professional headshot of Sue Wu
By Susan Wu, Senior Director, Marketing Research
May 19, 2020

PubMatic‘s Quarterly Mobile Index (QMI) report highlights the latest developments in mobile advertising based on the analysis of 15 trillion monthly advertiser bids flowing through the PubMatic platform. These reports keep publishers up-to-date on real-time mobile trends on areas of growth, and hence, opportunity for business investment or innovation. These highlights also provide advertisers with actionable insights to influence media planning and inform quality processes.

The Q1 2020 QMI puts the spotlight on how digital advertising is impacted by the COVID19 global outbreak, how mobile is driving a gradual market recovery in APAC, and increased video viewership will outlast the pandemic era.


The coronavirus has brought advertiser spending in certain categories, such as travel and sports, to a halt. However, with many markets sheltering in place at home, content consumption and web traffic intensified, especially on mobile devices. In APAC where publishers and app developers are finding light after a pandemic-driven lockdown, mobile is at the forefront of its road to recovery.


Mobile video was heading into another banner year until COVID-19 arrived. Mobile video share plateaued during the pandemic despite a bump in viewership. Since video ads are typically sold at a premium, they were the first to be cut from advertising budgets and hence, more negatively impacted than display ads.

Download the full Q1 2020 QMI and be sure to check back in a few months for the second quarterly report of 2020. To learn more, check out our mobile solutions or reach out to discuss how we can help you achieve your mobile advertising goals.

QMI Methodology

PubMatic’s yield and data analytics team analyzes over 15 trillion advertiser bids on a monthly basis, utilizing the company’s best-in-class analytics capabilities. The Q1 2020 QMI incorporates impressions, revenue and eCPM data from these reports to provide a high-level analysis of key trends within the mobile advertising industry. Data is from the first quarter of 2020 (i.e., January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2020), as well as the corresponding prior year periods. Analysis is based on PubMatic-sourced data except as noted. Percentages in some figures may not sum to 100 percent due to rounding. “Monetized impressions” or “paid impressions” are defined as impressions that were sold through the PubMatic platform, and “eCPM” is defined as the cost per one thousand impressions.