A crowd of PubMatic employees holding up an award

PubMatic Is Listed in GPTW’s Top 50 of India’s Great Mid-Size Workplaces

Professional headshot of Pallavi Kulkarni
By Pallavi Kulkarni, Associate Director, Human Resources
August 1, 2019

We’re excited to announce PubMatic India is recognized among “India’s Great Mid-Size Workplaces 2019” list as one of the top 50 companies and workplaces. This is a particularly great honor as this recognition is only for the “best-of-the-best” and it comes after only two years of participating in the larger Great Place to Work (GPTW) certification.

This award was only possible due to our employees who participated in the required survey and made this happen. The survey response rate was a whopping 96 percent and our employees rated the company high on all the five parameters, including: Credibility of Management, Respect for People, Fairness at the Workplace, Pride, and Camaraderie between People. It was encouraging to see our collective efforts validated and laurelled by the employees, themselves. With that said, we won’t stop investing in our culture and people; we know that we need to continually improve and this is just the beginning.

Certification Steps & Process

Participation in the study was simple and straight forward with the expected proof of program details and process checks. However, when the time came to fill in the “Culture Audit,” consisting of 16 different areas of people practices, it made me reflect on the enormous impact all of the various conscious and unconscious team efforts and institutionalized processes have made on our company and people. When I really think back on what contributed to this success story, two compelling reasons came to mind – our commitment to excellence and our focus on the employee experience.

At PubMatic, our cultural principles and company values guide our actions. Globally, we value innovation, collaboration and teamwork, action, and hard work. Each employee is held to these standards and individually strives to over-deliver whenever possible. This has created a strong cultural foundation that we have been building upon in each of our 13 offices.

Not only are we constantly innovating but we also invest in helping our talent “level-up” in their skillsets. There are several growth opportunities to encourage our employees to maintain their competitive edge in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment.

We continue to invest in our people and technology through regular weekly trainings, budget for external education opportunities, annual and global hackathons, machine learning courses and certification, and more. Our practices around top-down and bottom-up communication, cross-functional collaboration and global connections, rewards and recognition, plus learning and development create a supportive and inclusive work culture allowing us to celebrate and learn together. These are the building blocks of our great workplace. It instills a sense of belonging and pride in me to work with such influential leaders and great people. I am thankful to be a part of this team and am excited to see the ways we will continue to grow in India and globally.

The Significance of Being a Great Place to Work

A compelling study was shared by GPTW on how best workplaces tend to fare against those who are not ranked. This year, the best workplaces recorded 25 percent higher annual revenue growth than other participating organizations. Not only that, the study said that best workplaces also experience much higher levels of retention, advocacy, motivation and discretionary effort.

Their study also emphasizes why managers are the single most effective tool when it comes to creating a strong employer brand and delivering a consistently positive employee experience. Especially in mid-size organizations such as ours, managers are responsible for leading their teams, building mutual trust, and serving as role-models. It is through their work that we can create a healthy ecosystem that enables performance, growth and learning for their teams.

What’s Next?

We are proud to be one of the top 50 mid-size workplaces in India and will continue to invest in our people, our culture and our products. To learn more about our company culture and open positions, check out our careers page and see if you might be a good fit for our team.