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3 Questions DSPs Should Ask in Mobile Programmatic Buys  

Professional headshot of Thomas Bienias
By Tom Bienias, Director, Publisher Development
April 25, 2019

The mobile in-app programmatic space is well versed in inventory quality and measurement challenges thus it is increasingly important that mobile buyers and DSPs know what to look for in a partner. We believe 2019 is the year of growth and positive change with the release of app-ads.txt and Open Measurement SDK (OMSDK). As an avid supporter of improved transparency and a clean programmatic ecosystem, we are building technology and working closely with our app publishers to support them in adding the app-ads.txt file to their applications and ensuring the files are accurate.

However, using technology and the latest industry standards does not guarantee safety or campaign success. In addition to implementing safeguards and adopting standards so you can have confidence in mobile inventory, I also suggest asking three key questions before embarking on any given mobile campaign.

What types of inventory are available from this mobile media supplier?

Firstly, consider the strength of a supply partner’s mobile ad formats. It’s essential that a buyer understands a supply partner’s core app publisher base and whether those apps offer the requisite format and scale.

Secondly, aim to install a number of apps from a mobile media supplier to understand how the app uses ads to monetise. Consider whether the audience is likely to be engaged during a session and examine the frequency of ads served. Understanding whether the apps offer a ‘push or pull’ ad experience will determine if they are a good fit for your overall campaign objectives.

Does the mobile media supplier have a speciality in market?

It’s crucial to understand the strengths of a supply partner’s relationships with their app publishers. With a focus on supply path optimisation across mobile buys, it’s important for mobile marketers to have an understanding on how inventory is integrated, via SDK, oRTB or another means.

Areas of supplier speciality might include: regional strengths, operating system access, scale or direct-to-app integration – whether that’s cross-category or focusing on specific app verticals such as entertainment or gaming.  I recommend targeting gamers as session times as greater engagement and a more positive ad experience are often connected. There are 2.1 billion mobile gamers in the world, by working with partners who have the best formats and targeting for you, you’ll find your audience and have better campaign results.

What are the measurement and bid stream capabilities of the mobile supplier?

An important indicator of ad quality and step towards measuring ad effectiveness is adoption app-ads.txt, which indicates whether the inventory source is verified to reduce fraudulent exchanges in the programmatic marketplace. The adoption of industry standards helps ensure the correct parameters are being passed back to help marketers navigate the inventory landscape.

Another sign of development is the Open Measurement SDK, a collaboration between verification partners to help publishers measure viewability in-app, providing buyers with additional variables to measure ad experience and effectiveness. This single SDK allows increased ad-verification and viewability measurement and should be a consideration when assessing publishers inventory.

What’s Next?

When considering your next mobile activation, we encourage you to ask about the available inventory types, any specialization of the publisher and finally their measurement capabilities. By asking these types of questions, you can find a better fit for your overall campaign goals and improve your overall effectiveness. To learn more about our mobile offerings and ways to partner with PubMatic, check out our solutions or contact us.