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Introducing Targeted PMP Deals

Professional headshot of Manjari Sharda
By Manjari Sharda, Senior Product Manager, Audience
April 3, 2018

At PubMatic, we always push ourselves to ask what if and why not?

When it comes to PMP deal creation, we asked ourselves, what if the buyer could know in advance which users can be targeted, where, and at what price? And, why not give this knowledge to the buyer before they commit resources?

PubMatic believes by addressing these questions with innovative solutions we will increase transparency and predictability, leading to more efficient campaign planning and spending. And, in doing so, it will give the buyer more control over quality and brand safety, while giving quality publishers more spend.

Quality and Scale Meet

We next asked, why isn’t it simple to get quality at scale?

Today, buyers are often forced to choose between quality or scale. To control for quality, buyers create PMP deals per publisher that have custom targeting like category, audience, or ad format. To build scale, they create generic multi-publisher deals, like viewability, across many publishers.

Existing solutions don’t allow for both scale and quality.  All the while, buyers are frustrated with troubleshooting errors to get the deal to spend. It takes anywhere from one week to one month to push a PMP deal live. Why can’t it be easier?

PubMatic’s Solution

Our answer: A Targeted PMP. Our teams released the first phase of Targeted PMPs on March 27th and they are now available to current clients.  

With Targeted PMP, buyers simply need to:

  • Select the publishers they want (one or many) and apply targeting on all publishers (such as audience, viewability, ad format, etc.)
  • Review the reach and impressions they will get in aggregate and with each publisher
  • Create the deal

It’s that simple!


Targeted PMP benefits include:

  • No negotiation, no troubleshooting
  • Complete control over which impressions you want (impression = ad format, viewability, publisher, user id, CPM floor, etc.), including the ability to target audience at scale
  • Advance knowledge of how many unique users you can reach and total impressions you can buy (coming in phase 2), allowing you to control quality at scale
  • Ease in creation

Where We are Heading

From our demos so far, buyers have told us:

“Users are central to media buying. One way is to target audience from the DSP, on the open exchange. While there are brand safety tools available, it can still be like blind buying. On Targeted PMP, it becomes much more transparent. I will know exactly where I am targeting my users.” – Director, Product Management, DSP

“Getting reach and impressions during deal setup, is a big deal. This will be very useful data to manage client expectations, our own expectations and bid guidance. Forecasting against Audience is a big value add.” – Campaign Manager, Agency

What’s Next?

This is the first release and we will continue to add more targeting capabilities throughout Q2.  We are eager to see buyers use the tool and provide us feedback. For more information, please contact us.