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Publishers Rank PubMatic as Top SSP Outside Of The Walled Gardens Based on Net Promoter Score

Johanna Bauman headshot
By Johanna Bauman, Chief Marketing Officer
November 19, 2018

In the second Wave of the SSP Report, part of the Programmatic Intelligence Report released last week by Advertiser Perceptions, over 150 publisher sales and operations professionals in the US were surveyed about their preferences and opinions of leading sell-side technology providers.

The Advertiser Perceptions survey asked respondents about their likelihood to recommend each SSP, which is used to determine a company’s Net Promoter Score® (NPS) (a proxy to measure the loyalty of a company’s customer relationships). PubMatic received the number two score among all SSPs, trailing only Google Ad Manager. We are committed to providing publishers with independence, superior monetization and excellent customer service and believe in the value of long-term partnership with our clients.

Publishers were also asked to evaluate SSPs in 28 separate criteria, across four categories:

  • Performance: Revenue generation by format, access to demand, etc.
  • Platform capabilities: Tools, technology, ease of integration, etc.
  • Partnership: Proactive attention to publisher goals, insights and recommendations, etc.
  • Vision: Market leading, visionary, reliability, etc.

Deeper analysis was conducted on the eight SSPs that had the highest usage among publisher respondents, and PubMatic ranked in the top three in several criteria that served as key drivers of purchase intent for publishers: availability of reporting, PMP and header bidding capabilities, and proactively sharing insights.

“The SSP race remains dominated by Google Ad Manager, but there is a tight race for second place in which PubMatic is competitive. Where PubMatic truly excelled was in the vision category, particularly in inspiring confidence that publishers would succeed in partnership with PubMatic,” stated Kevin Mannion, Chief Strategy Officer at Advertiser Perceptions.

The share of ad spend funneling through Google and Facebook is declining as publishers seek independence from the walled gardens.[1] And as the programmatic market continues to grow to $85 billion in 2019, accounting for over two thirds of all digital display ad spending,[2] it will become critical for publishers to select the right SSP partners that are aligned to their business goals and strategic visions. PubMatic looks forward to listening to our clients’ needs and continuing to strive for excellence in our relationships.

[1] eMarketer, “Data Suggests Surprising Shift: Duopoly Not All-Powerful,” March 2018

[2] Zenith, “Programmatic Marketing Forecasts 2017,” Nov 2017 (via eMarketer)