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6 Things To Consider When Evaluating Your PMP Partners & Platforms

Professional headshot of Aaron Lowe
By Aaron Lowe, Director, Product Marketing
July 3, 2019

With programmatic spend continuing to shift to Private Marketplaces (PMPs), publishers are going to be tasked with setting up more deals. As a result, to maximize monetization we recommend working with multiple PMP partners to provide the best access to quality demand. However, if you already have your favorite PMP platform, what should you be looking for when evaluating preferred or new PMP partners? We will take a look at the key considerations here and make suggestions in best practices and what to look for in a platform.

What to Consider in PMP Partners & Platforms

It is important to note that when you select PMP platforms it’s not like choosing a new phone or TV, rather it’s more like purchasing a commercial pizza oven. The benefits of the machine allow you to provide a better product and service for your customers.

With buyers turning to PMPs to help solve for industry concerns such as data privacy and security, transparency, control, and access to unique inventory, it is important to have a robust tool that will allow you to maximize efficiency.

Let’s take a closer look at six characteristics that can create challenges in creating PMPs so you know what solutions to look for in a platform.

    1. Scale & Performance: It’s only worth the extra effort of setting up a PMP if it is going to provide meaningful reach of a high-quality or exclusive audience that helps improves a campaign performance. Your PMP platform should also include features such as troubleshooting, multi-bidding support, machine learning, and optimization to ensure successful PMP deployments.
    2. Setup: Sounds simple enough but not all advertisers are the same and each will have different criteria, such as custom audience targeting. Look for a platform that can provide an efficient and intuitive workflow to quickly, and correctly, set up a PMP deal.
    3. Media Support: Just as we mentioned buyers aren’t the same, you’re not the same as every other publisher out there. You don’t want the frustration of having to use a different partner for different inventory. Instead, you want to be able to facilitate all of your buyer relationships in a single platform.
    4. Troubleshooting: Nobody likes a frustrated buyer and their frustration is warranted. When budget is allocated, plus time is spent setting up a deal, but it doesn’t scale or bring in revenue, it can create tensions. Consider a tool that allows for funnel analysis reporting and support for quickly troubleshooting.
    5. Buyer Relationships: While you are actively selling your inventory and offering PMP deals, it helps to have a partner with existing relationships with the folks who have the budget. Look for a turnkey PMP platform that is already integrated with buyers.
    6. Innovation: We work in an industry that is ever-changing and you need your technology platforms to be ahead of the curve. Work with partners who will be able to support your needs today and tomorrow, future-proofing your future monetization with innovative solutions.

PMPs, PubMatic and You

At PubMatic we make PMPs easy by providing the best-in-class solution for publishers seeking more control and improved monetization for their valuable audiences. Our easy-to-use platform helps expedite setup, troubleshooting, and optimization of your buyer’s private deals. This leads to higher satisfaction, repeat business, and incremental spend.

With a single platform, you can also offer PMP deals across all media types and optimize deals with funnel analysis – lessening the burden on technical resources. Not only does PubMatic help publishers scale by creating and running PMP deals across the globe while improving deal performance but we also have relationships with the buy-side to help you capture more advertising spend. To learn more about our solutions, check out our PMP tools or contact us.