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Summer Spotlight: Meet Sudipto Das, Regional Director of India and SEA

Professional headshot of Sudipto Das
By Sudipto Das, Regional Director, INSEA
August 16, 2019

PubMatic has thirteen offices across the globe (currently) and each market offers unique opportunities and challenges. To highlight some of the great work and talented teams at our various locations, we have interviewed the country managers. Get to know the team leaders and some of the fun quirks about each country.

Continuing our blog series, highlighting our country managers and execs, we introduce, Sudipto Das, Regional Director, India & Southeast Asia.

Please share your bio and work history.

I am a father to two wonderful kids and taking care of them is the most fulfilling job that I have. If you ask them, they might say that I am good at it too! A long time ago, I had aspirations to be a professional footballer, but then strangely, I ended up selling media. I started with television sixteen years ago and then moved to the world of digital.

I have had a great ride in the last thirteen years of my digital journey and have worked with wonderful folks in organisations like Yahoo!, LinkedIn, NDTV and PubMatic. I am always excited by new developments in media and technology but am I’m pretty sure that in my next stint, I’d like to put my feet up, pop a beer and run a snorkeling shack in Bali.

What drew you to ad tech?

Someone said that ad tech and/or programmatic was the next big thing in digital media. I did not want to miss the bus. It’s been a bumpy but fun ride so far.

What makes programmatic advertising unique for your market?

India and Southeast Asia are mobile-first regions. According to a GSMA report, by 2025 India will have 22 percent of the global smartphone connections. By 2025, Indonesia is expected to have among the highest smartphone adoption rates in the world, at just under 90 percent of total connections. Other countries like Malaysia and Philippines are expected to have smartphone adoption rates of 83 and 79 percent, respectively, by 2025.

Several factors are driving this growth including overall economic expansion, affordable 4G smartphones, development of 4G infrastructure, rapid urbanisation and an expanding middle-class increasingly using smartphones in their daily activities (i.e. for e-commerce, video calling and streaming ,etc.). This means more content is getting consumed on handheld devices leading to growth in users and growth in advertising opportunities. Programmatic advertising is uniquely positioned to tap into this opportunity by proving brands a viable solution to reach relevant audiences, at scale.

What makes PubMatic stand out in your market?

The people. PubMatic is fortunate enough to have some of the most wonderful, passionate, and skillful folks working for the organisation.

How many people work at PubMatic in your region? 

6 in New Delhi and 6 in Singapore.

One phrase to describe your team? 

Passionate mavericks.

One word to describe how you personally work. 


What is something Sudipto Das does better than everyone else?

I make beer disappear!

What apps are your most used on your phone?

I am always using Spotify, Goal, and Pingboard.

What is the best work advice you have ever received?

Master your craft.

If you are interested in joining the team, check out our open positions on the career page and if you want to learn how you can do business with us, check out our programmatic solutions.