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Smart PMPs™ – How Data Is Reinventing Private Marketplace Deals

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By Drew Stein, CEO & Co-Founder, AuDigent
December 16, 2019

The excitement around clean, transparent first party data continues to dominate the programmatic advertising conversation. As next-gen DMPs begin deep integrations with SSP platforms (like Audigent and PubMatic), new tools and new, more intelligent inventory are starting to make waves with planners and buyers for a simple reason – performance. Enter “Smart PMPs™” – a differentiated, audience data-driven PMP product that is driving value for programmatic media buyers and premium publishers. At its core, the intelligent marriage of premium first party data sets and premium inventory pre-packaged together as a single, easy-to-buy deal ID intuitively feels like a great idea. That said, understanding why and how intelligent packaging of data + inventory can boost campaign performance (and make your life way easier!) is something worth a quick exploration. Here are a few key reasons why Smart PMPs™ are different from your traditional “vanilla” PMPs and why they should be on your radar for Q4.

1) Easy-to-Use:

When setting up campaigns, today’s programmatic buyers seemingly have infinite choice. There are so many products, so much data, so many inventory sources – a dizzying array of technology and noise that’s making campaign logic increasingly (and unnecessarily) complex. Smart PMPs™ get back to basics – intelligently pre-packaging the right audience against the right inventory for the right price and helping buyers take the guesswork out of choosing from all the endless options. Smart PMPs™ are intelligently pre-packaged by design, ready-to-go and can easily be dropped into campaign line items to streamline cumbersome campaign set-ups.

2) Easy-to-Optimize:

Juggling so many variables on every campaign line item often makes its harder – not easier – to optimize campaigns. Between multiple creative formats/messages, layers of data, and multiple inventory white lists/PMPs, traders need to dig deep into the reporting and spend more time than ever before to connect the dots to find causality between underperforming audiences, underperforming inventory, and underperforming creative. With Smart PMPs™, optimizations start from the supply side and take effect way before your trader starts pulling manual reports – helping to both turn off and shift underperforming audiences and inventory to ensure that spend gets allocated to the best performing places faster.

3) Better Pricing:

Premium PMPs can be high priced – but buyers are smart and understand that audiences and inventory have become decoupled. Using Smart PMPs™ allows buyers to more intelligently drive value by buying the specific, premium audiences they want against highly desirable inventory without having to chase overpriced, traditional PMP deals.

4) Predictable Scale:

Applying multiple audience data layers on a campaign line item can often kill scale, making it challenging to traffic and optimize a campaign. Worse off, buyers often don’t realize this is happening until the campaigns are live or until after they pull reporting – leaving them scrambling to add audiences and/or inventory to catch up to the forecasted pacing and traffic their campaigns. With Smart PMPs™ you know your scale before the campaigns turns on, ensuring that there are no surprises and allowing buyers to more easily flight their campaigns and focus more time on campaign optimization vs. basic delivery.

5) Customizability:

Every campaign has different audience and inventory needs. With easy to use tools on both the data and inventory sides, Smart PMPs™ allow media planners and buyers to create and buy against unique, customizable segments on premium specified publisher inventory in combinations that otherwise would not have been available to them.

Easy-to-use, easy-to-optimize, better pricing, predictable scale and customizability – five good reasons why Q4 is a terrific time to incorporate Smart PMPs™ into your media buying mix!

By Drew Stein, CEO and Co-Founder of Audigent