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Culture and Experience: Driving Success Together

Professional headshot of Swaroop Kulkarni
By Swaroop Kulkarni, Associate Director, Human Resources
August 25, 2021

When you evaluate a role with a new employer, what is it that you look for when you are scrolling through company review websites? Organizational culture is often an important consideration, as well as how it reflects and intersects with employee experience. Together, these can be huge drivers of an organization’s success.

What exactly does ‘office culture’ or ‘organizational culture’ mean? During my MBA studies, I would wonder why we had an entire subject devoted to “organizational behavioral and culture.” Similarly, if I were to ask any new graduate what kind of office culture they were looking for, they may give random answers such as “an easy-going one”or a “fast-growing one.”

Having spent more than a decade in the corporate world, I now truly understand the terms “organizational culture” and “employee experience.” And now more than ever, I understand the significance of having a deep-rooted, well-regarded- culture.

You see, it’s not just about the environment in the office, or how chilled-out or intense it is. It’s about the underlying values of the company.

At PubMatic, the culture is tied to our five core values: being leaders and innovators, putting the customer first, bias towards action, celebrating teamwork, and commitment to integrity. Each policy or people strategy is designed with those values in mind.

  • We empower every individual team member to achieve their full potential;
  • We give tremendous importance to team spirit, and treat each other as partners;
  • We believe in hiring and retaining the best talent in the industry;
  • Absolute honesty, transparency, and authenticity in all our communications – positive or negative;

And last, but not least,

  • Having fun at work is a big priority!

This all intersects with employee experience, which can impact a potential employee’s decision to join, and of course, stay at a company.

At PubMatic, we believe that great employee experience encourages employee engagement, which drives personal development and employee achievement – all together helping to enable company success.

PubMatic strives to ensure that employees enjoy working here, and that they feel heard, and respected. In addition, we make sure that there they have plenty of opportunities to grow in their roles, and platforms to voice their concerns and provide feedback.

The main pillars of employee experience here at PubMatic are:

  • People-driven strategies;
  • Continuous focus on learning, team building, and feedback;
  • Robust career development plans;
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion in policies such as hiring and promotion; and
  • Dedicated assistance for onboarding new hires.

The past year and a half we have experienced a paradigm shift in the way organizations operate and function. The Covid-19 pandemic has fostered a new culture of remote working and has made organizational culture and employee experience even more important. Although operating from their respective homes spread across the globe, teams at PubMatic have been able to adapt and flourish.

If I were to put it simply, as an employee, I would want to work at a place where I feel valued, cared for, and respected; where I look forward to getting out of my bed on Mondays; and where I see myself growing as a professional, and as an individual. PubMatic has made all this possible for me and my colleagues.