Secure Premium Inventory Through Bespoke Deals

PubMatic has built a selection of auction packages to deliver contextually relevant, targeted omnichannel reach at scale.

Take advantage of our pre-built packages to secure brand-safe inventory that reaches across PubMatic’s network of premium publishers. We have also partnered with many premium data providers, and we have put some ideas and key seasonal activities to get you started!


  • icon-ott
    CTV Marketplaces

    Scaled CTV audiences and inventory across a variety of premium publishers

  • Vertical Packages

    Include Ecommerce/Retail, Financial Services, Cultural, Entertainment, and More

  • Video
    • Inventory Quality Score Marketplace
    • Vertical & Category Customization
    • VPAID Only Package
    • Large Player Only Package
    • High Video Completion Rate Package
    • OTT Inventory
    • Prebid Inventory Access
  • In-App
    • OMSDK ‘Measurable’ Package
    • Vertical & Category Customization
    • Device ID Types (Apple vs. Android)
    • Mobile Operating System
    • Mobile Internet Browser
  • Rich Media
    • Skins
    • Page Takeover
  • Connect
    • Advertiser and Publisher First Party Data
    • Access to 30+ Unique DMP/Publisher Data Partners